Donald Trump: Saudi By Nature

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Donald Trump
Make america great again.
- Donald Trump.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Theodore Roosevelt
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.
- Theodore Roosevelt.

George Washington
Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteem to all.
- George Washington.

America 1st Girl is a Blog by Conservative Artist Cara Sky.

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Via: ExtraNews

This Weak in Politics, Vol. 154 October 18, 2018 (Note: Due to competing professional responsibilities, as things get more electiony* TWITPOL will be abbreviated. Not abbreviated like twp’l. Abbreviated as in shorter. And heavy on pictures. Once the election is over we will return to our long-windedness. But for now, we are going to break long wind.) *Does electiony have two Ns? President Trump’s fondness for dictators and tough guys may finally have come back to bite him in his dimply, golden ass. So if you are wondering if there’s a line for Trump supporters, beyond which Trump cannot cross without getting at least a stern sideways glance, there might be. It is apparently somewhere beyond kidnapping children and putting them in cages while deporting their parents and just before the gruesome dismembering of a Washington Post journalist. Oh who are we kidding? This won’t be a crossed line for them either. Trump, who has oft bragged of the millions of dollars he gets from the Saudis, balked at the idea of criticizing the kingdom and the royal family for having 15 members of their circle of friends audiotape their torturing of a human being who walked into the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul on his own power and came out, ostensibly, in pieces. His reasoning? We do a lot of business with Saudi Arabia. Besides, the king says they didn’t do it. Know who else claims they didn’t do it? 2.3 million people in cells across the United States as we speak. Yet the four people whom trump seems to believe when they profess their innocence are Crown-Prince Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (known colloquially as MSNBC) of Saudi Arabia, King Abulaziz bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, Paul bin cellmate Manafort of Virginia, and Bart bin boof O’Kavanaugh of the United States Supreme Court. The situation with the president failing to see telltale signs of Saudi involvement in the killing is a pattern. The president also fails to see Russian meddling in the 2016 election, and fails to see Kim Jong Un as a bad guy, and fails to see that playing footsie under the table with Vlad Putin is bad for world order. This phenomenon of looking for signs and missing them due to subtlety is acted out here by the second greatest living person named Steve: Feeling the need to create the illusion of giving a stern talking to the kingdom, Trump dispatched his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, for a visit. Many people figured the gruesome murder would be the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak, and that Pompeo was going to the kingdom to throw in the towel with the king. Instead he threw on the towel with the king. You poor old Saud, you see, it’s only me… There was a time when conservatives worked themselves into a frenzy accusing President Obama (remember him?) of going around the world on an apology tour. Now the Trump administration is practically going down on the crown, and not one of them even bats an eyeball. Though Orrin Hatch…ummm…sort of bats an eyeball… The administration promised to deal out severe “punishment” if the royal family is found to be involved in any way with the murder (beyond the, you know…hiring people to do it thing). Yet this proved to be another empty threat, because shortly after Trump made that statement Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin cancelled his upcoming trip to the kingdom. If they really wanted to punish Saudi Arabia, they’d send Mnuchin and tell him to stay there for a couple weeks. So where are those adults who were supposed to serve as a guardrail against Trump Trumping? They’ve shrunk largely out of sight. Most notable amongst the shrunken feds is “Speaker” Paul “Doogie” Ryan, who is absolutely missing in action — even milk carton photographers have failed to find him. The last time Ryan was seen in public was when he achieved his lifelong dream of sticking it to the poor to help the voiceless 1%. That was a high-water mark in his career as the coverage of his last meaningful appearance shows: “We got tax reform done, including massive tax cuts!” he ejaculated. Correction. There was a grammatical typo there. Here is the correct coverage: “We got tax reform done, including massive tax cuts!” He ejaculated. Finally, with no one minding the branch (executive), the president has reverted to his favorite pastime — insulting women. This time his victim wasn’t Hillary Clinton, or Megyn Kelly, or even Rosie “Mitch” O’Donnell. This time the target of his spurn (which, let’s face it, beats the hell out of being the target of his sp….never mind) was porn star and exotic dancer, Stormy “Mitch” Daniels, whom he called “Horseface.” To put that in perspective, this guy: mocked this person’s face: Daniels, for her part, responded by referring to the president’s shortcomings and calling him “Tiny.” She didn’t seem remotely bothered by being called horseface. Which makes sense — she is not a horseface, and thus wasn’t troubled by the moniker. For some, the insult would have been brutal and cut close to the bone, but we won’t say who. We will simply show an ad for a recent political book…apropo nothing. And that’s the way the weak spent the week in a nation where the president’s former one-time (4.2 minutes) lover, a porn star, is insulting the size of his penis after he called her horseface — and not only is it not the top story of the past week, it’s not even the top story of the past hour. If you enjoy reading TWITPOL please seek help. But please also follow us, “clap” for this story, recommend it, share it, tweet it, and do all sorts of other things that the kids these days do. Follow us on and on twitter at @sbouchard67 Dedicated to the memory of Jamal Khashoggi. May his killers be brought to justice, with or without the support of the President of The United States. Please consider donating to protect future Jamals, by visiting the site below. Committee to Protect Journalists Donald Trump: Saudi By Nature was originally published in Extra Newsfeed on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Donald Trump: Saudi By Nature

