Irregardless of What Trump Says, It’s Been a Pretty Sh*tty Week. Literally.

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Donald Trump
Make america great again.
- Donald Trump.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Theodore Roosevelt
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.
- Theodore Roosevelt.

George Washington
Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteem to all.
- George Washington.

America 1st Girl is a Blog by Conservative Artist Cara Sky.

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Everything here on America 1st Girl is Donald Trump related from Media to Podcasts, Forums, Blogs and Fan groups.

Via: Medium

This Weak in Politics, Vol. 241 July 9, 2020 When Donald Trump was running for president, he asked African American voters in particular, “what have you got to lose?” by voting for him. Well, for all Americans, the answer to that question is getting bleaker and bleaker by the minute. Half the nation is locked in their houses while the other half is out spreading freedom virus, millions of us are sick, hundreds of thousands of us are dead, the economy is in tatters, unemployment is at record levels, people are taking to the streets, the world is laughing at us — except for the kinder parts of it where they just feel pity for us, professional sports have been — or are about to be — cancelled, and to add insult to injury, Merriam-Webster’s dictionary now acknowledges irregardless as a word. Aside from that, it was a quiet week. Well, except for the Supreme Court ruling that Donald Trump’s tax returns, which he has been hiding for years, will not necessarily be released to congressional committees investigating whether the president is a fraud and a tax cheat. They can, however, be released to a grand jury looking into whether Trump, the favored candidate of evangelical Christians, violated any laws when his businesses (through recently re-incarcerated inmate, Michael Cohen) paid off the star of Dripping Wet Sex 4, Breast Friends 2, and Love Potion 69 toremain silent about the affair she and Trump had while Melania tended to the now first couple’s son. Michael Cohen, seen here with his attorney, Ron Jeremy. For the record, we don’t know who Ron Jeremy is. It is merely a name our friend, whom we will call “Ken,” mentions frequently. As for that pesky soon-to-be-at-zero-cases pandemic, the administration is setting records. Records for cases in total, cases per day, total deaths, and total incompetence. Speaking of incompetence (or incompetents), Florida “Governor” Ron DeSantis set out this week to assure Floridians that… hey, look! A squirrel! Truth is, Florida is not exactly kicking coronavirus’s ass. The Sunshine State saw an average of 9,255 cases a day over the last 7 days. To put that in perspective, Florida is averaging more new cases per day than even New York, Arizona, and California. And Mexico, Peru, Russia, Iran, Colombia, South Africa, Chile, Iraq, the United Kingdom, Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bolivia… you get the idea. But don’t worry, Florida fans… you are crushing India. To counter what many are calling “facts,” the administration decided to roll out another coronavirus task force meeting, this time at the Department of Funneling Public Education Funding to Private and Religious Institutions. Admiral Brett Giroir talking about the president’s “leadership” on coronavirus and how we as a nation are doing “really good.” At the meeting, Vice President Mike Pence (sp?) assured the nation that he and the president were doing everything they can. This horrified both the nation and the market which shed another 360 points on the news. Admiral Giroir discussing the president’s “leadership” on coronavirus The reason the administration chose the Department of Education for the update is to underscore their push to have schools open, in-person, no exceptions. They’ve decided that it is far more important that schools be open than children be, you know… safe. They acknowledge there will be some sick kids, but they won’t take “no” for an answer. It’s what experts call a “zero zero-tolerance” policy. To show the lengths the administration will go to re-open schools in person, I.C.E. (Immigration, Customs Enforcement) will begin the deportation process for any international students who are enrolled in online only courses. This is true to their name: they are Enforcing the administration’s Custom of hating Immigrants. Joining the choir singing from this evil songbook was none other than Education Secretary/I.C.E. Queen, Betsy DeVos. We apologize. That photo was an unfair and disrespectful representation of the Secretary of Education. Here is her official portrait instead. In other coronavirus news, plans are moving forward for the city of Jacksonville, Florida (Motto: “We are Crushing India!”) to host the GOP’s 2020 Krazy Koronavirus Konvention/Rally, or KKK Rally for short. The city opted to host the konvention after North Carolina did what Trump’s father should have done 74 years and nine months ago — pulled-out. The Konvention will feature the normal Republican staples of promising to shrink government, and then whining how the shrunken government fails us, some science-denial (this year expanding from just climate science to immuno-science!), but also some added fun, including piñatas of Joe Biden, Robert Mueller, Anthony Fauci, and black people. Why Fauci? Because he once projected that the US would experience millions of coronavirus cases and hundreds of thousands of deaths! That wacky old scientist. For those of you who don’t remember him, Dr. Fauci was the better half of the famed immuno-comedy duo “Dr. Birx and Dr. Smirks.” Due to his annoying propensity to tell the truth, Fauci has been shelved by the administration. As cases climbed and hit frighteningly dangerous levels, as plans and decisions were being made, Fauci wasn’t in the room where it happened. Room where it happened. Room where it happened. (Note to Disney, sponsorship opportunities still exist!) And that’s the way the weak spent the week in a nation where the president called on an African American NASCAR driver to apologize because the noose found in his garage stall wasn’t necessarily directed at him, and it is not even a top 10 story. “Fake noose” as the president likes to call it. If you enjoy reading TWITPOL please seek help. But please also follow us, “clap” for this story, recommend it, share it, tweet it, and do all sorts of other things the kids these days do. Follow us on and on twitter: @sbouchard67 Irregardless of What Trump Says, It’s Been a Pretty Sh*tty Week. Literally. was originally published in Extra Newsfeed on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Irregardless of What Trump Says, It’s Been a Pretty Sh*tty Week. Literally.

