What happened at the Black Wall Street massacre in Tulsa, where Trump is set to hold a rally?

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Donald Trump
Make america great again.
- Donald Trump.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Theodore Roosevelt
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.
- Theodore Roosevelt.

George Washington
Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteem to all.
- George Washington.

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Via: Metro

The massacre remains the single deadliest racist attack in US history (Picture: Win McNamee/Getty Images) President Donald Trump will be hosting his first political rally since coronavirus lockdown restrictions have eased in the United States on Saturday, after initially planning to have the rally on Juneteenth – the day which commemorates the end of slavery in the country. With the country already in a fractured state following the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and more, many are questioning his choice of Tulsa for the location of the rally, because of its traumatic history and connection to an act of unfathomable racist violence known as the Black Wall Street massacre. This Juneteenth, and ahead of Trump’s planned rally, here’s what you need to know about what happened that day… What was Black Wall Street? Greenwood, Tulsa was known as ‘Black Wall Street’ after becoming a place of great economic success for black people. The area was recognised as one of the most affluent communities with an African-American majority in the United States. Booker T. Washington, a prominent leader and scholar of the African-American community in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, referred to the Greenwood neighborhood as ‘Negro Wall Street’ as many black people moved there in the hopes of landing a quick economic win through mining and oil industries. Many African-Americans had come from the Deep South and Kansas because of the opportunity to strike gold owing to the rich oil fields. On top of that, because of the harsh, restrictive Jim Crow laws, many black people couldn’t buy or sell to white people. In a slightly ironic turn of events, this led to many black people injecting their money into Greenwood, thus creating a slew of opportunities for all the black-owned businesses that had set up shop there. When was the Black Wall Street massacre? In a horrific act of violence, on 1 June 1921, a mob of white men torched the thriving black neighbourhood, murdering an estimated 300 people and burning 35 blocks of homes and businesses to the ground. The destruction started after a young black man was accused of assaulting a young white girl in an elevator. Today, a mural stands to remind people what had happened there, after the incident was largely ignored by mainstream society (Picture: Win McNamee/Getty Images) The accused man, Dick Rowland, was arrested and there were concerns he would be lynched and wasn’t safe in the jail. Therefore, a group of African Americans went to the jail to protect him and were confronted by a larger crowd of white men. Shots were fired and the violence which followed lasted for several days. Thousands of white men, some of them deputised by the police, turned up to Greenwood throughout the trouble. It’s thought that around 10,000 black families were forced from their homes while hundreds of others were murdered. Historical documents from the time report that eyewitnesses said planes flew overhead dropping bombs of turpentine or coal oil while buildings were torched from the ground to fuel the flames further. Nobody was ever charged for the deaths or destruction of the city. What about Trump’s rally? Though there isn’t actually an intentional connection with Juneteenth – the portmanteau given to 19 June, the day when the final slaves were freed in Texas – there was some outrage at Donald Trump’s decision to hold one of his political rallies on this date. With many black people and allies unhappy with the Trump administration – and this animosity exacerbated following the death of George Floyd – Trump choosing to reignite his political movement on a date celebrated by African-Americans struck many as tone-deaf at best. At worst, choosing to host the rally at the scene of the deadliest single act of racial violence in US history was interpreted as aggressive. The US has seen weeks of protests following the killing of George Floyd (Picture: REUTERS) Trump will no longer hold his rally on 19 June, but he will still hold his first rally since the end of coronavirus lockdown in the US in Tulsa on 20 June. Speaking of Juneteenth, The Wall Street Journal reports that Trump has only addressed the upcoming weekend by claiming he has made the date ‘famous.’ ‘I did something good: I made Juneteenth very famous,’ Trump told The Journal. ‘It’s actually an important event, an important time. But nobody had ever heard of it.’ MORE: What does the upside-down red triangle mean and why did Facebook ban it from a Donald Trump post? Follow Metro across our social channels, on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Share your views in the comments below.

What happened at the Black Wall Street massacre in Tulsa, where Trump is set to hold a rally?

