Vlad’s Boy, Vlad’s Boy, Whatcha Gonna Do?

Below is an extract of a post published on Medium titled "Vlad’s Boy, Vlad’s Boy, Whatcha Gonna Do?"

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Donald Trump
Make america great again.
- Donald Trump.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Theodore Roosevelt
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.
- Theodore Roosevelt.

George Washington
Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteem to all.
- George Washington.

America 1st Girl is a Blog by Conservative Artist Cara Sky.

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America 1st Girl is not affiliated with the journalist or Twitter user who published the original article or Tweet, nor is she responsible for any affiliations the journalist or Tweeter user in question may hold.

Everything here on America 1st Girl is Donald Trump related from Media to Podcasts, Forums, Blogs and Fan groups.

Via: Medium

This Weak in Politics, Vol. 237In honor of the cancellation of “COPS,” which was very popular for years among white men with small IQs and even smaller penises, aka the Republican Party June 13, 2020 The big question in a week like this is do we write about the resurgence in cases of a deadly global pandemic and the United States’ seeming indifference to it, do we write about 75 year old protesters getting beat up by cops, or do we go with the breaking news of the last 500 years that America has a massive problem with race. It’s not a terribly complex problem — it’s pretty black and white, really. But the fix, for myriad reasons, continues to elude us. Call it nitpicking and maybe even a little judgy, but we have a funny feeling that America’s race problem may well have been exacerbated when we elected as president an ignorant, racist, white-nationalist, lying, bad, frightened, power-drunk, inadequate, greedy, instigating, lame, inept, emasculated, abusive, failing, inhuman, needy, desperate, craven, petulant, small, awful, insecure, whiny, dismissive, petty, arrogant, unempathetic, spineless, narcissistic, attention-seeking, phony, xenophobic, misogynist, tiny-dicked, cowardly, ignoble, chicken-hearted, chicken-shit, inhumane, sadistic, dishonest, bent, ruthless, snotty, snobby, disdainful, fiendish, festering, corrupt, immoral, apathetic, detestable, unfulfilled, sneering, evil, horrible, rude, horrid, unethical, feeble, nasty, offensive, disagreeable, sniveling, despicable, impulsive, objectionable, rotten, whimpering, abhorrent, abominable, heinous, damnable, brainless, execrable, heartless, odious, distasteful, oppressive, dastardly, repellent, delicate, repulsive, unkind, disgusting, obnoxious, childish, foul, unprincipled, two-faced, vile, puny, pale, revolting, gluttinous, condemnable, mendacious, appalling, sickening, mocking, nauseating, stomach-turning, ball-less, selfish, cowering, pompous, off-putting, base, dodgy, unpalatable, shaky, perfidious, mindless, egotistical, decrepit, vomitous, slow, untruthful, pitiful, sheltered, lethargic, cruel, simpering, dumb, wan, unread, outrageous, venomous, malignant, big-headed, pig-headed, emotionless, facile, warped, thickheaded, clownish, contemptible, repugnant, horrifying, disreputable, supercilious, fraudulent, deceitful, unscrupulous, acrimonious, scandalous, monstrous, simplistic, oleaginous, laughable, bumptious, unlearned, felonious, lazy, putrid, shameless, Napoleonic, shameful, untrustworthy, self-important, idiotic, cheating, vulgar, wicked, cunning, envious, atrocious, double-dealing, superficial, insufferable, contemptuous, isolated, dishonorable, twisted, un-repenting, snake-like, bitchy, narrow-minded, condescending, egomaniacal, shitty, loathsome, bitter, sketchy, fragile, witless, belligerent, hateful, unworthy, shallow, dirty, incurious, low, doltish, scornful, lonely, reptilian, shady, deplorable, self-absorbed, noxious, imbecilic, malodorous, embarrassing, vain, self-centered, fake, spiteful, gullible, churlish, unforgivable, unpardonable, self-aggrandizing, lumpish, resentful, ingratiating, swindling, race-baiting, impetuous, malicious, delinquent, crusty, short-sighted, inexcusable, unstable, intolerable, cold, wimpy, jealous, naive, ghastly, sick, vengeful, conceited, godawful, irritating, colluding, scummy, dim, paltry, beastly, miserable, deceiving, lawless, wretched, conniving, simple, unlawful, half-literate, audacious, brazen, gas-lighting, sorry, blustering, Nickelback-listening, hideous, pitiable, culpable, ignominious, dopey, false, malevolent, smug, glass-jawed, gruesome, inferior, boastful, nefarious, corruptible, rank, self-obsessed, pretentious, reproachable, slimy, dense, grotesque, disturbed, conning, blathering, devious, moronic, worthless, villainous, cruddy, criminal, flaccid, humorless, indictable, fetid, lousy, vacuous, unloved, immature, stubborn, cretinous, unforgiving, perpetual-victim, soulless, hubristic, mean, amoral, rotted, duplicitous, malcontented, ugly, low-life, half-witted, overbearing, ill-informed, vindictive, illegitimate, Putin-loving, unsavory, crooked, thin-skinned, cocky, embarrassed, reprehensible, degrading, filthy, vapid, dumb-ass, pathetic dip-shit snowflake who can be rather unpleasant at times. As a result, the bandaid has been lifted, the scab picked at and torn off, and the malignant pus of racism has moved from the shadows to the light of day. To the extent there can possibly be an upside to any of this, there are a couple: Trump’s approval rating is coming down faster than Robert E. Lee at a BLM rally. So there’s a chance that our long national nightmare only has 6 months (10,957 days) left. The other upside is this: 155 years after the United States of America vanquished the Confederate States of America on the battlefield, the winning team is taking down the trophies built to praise the losing team (and stick a finger in the eye of African Americans because they have had it so damn good in this country that they needed taunting memorials to their oppressors to keep them from overdosing on their freedom and joy). Even in the former capitol of the Confederacy, Richmond, Va., Monument Avenue is losing some of its more repugnant relics. Many of us believe it is time to relegate some other Confederate relics to the ash-bin of history, including Camp Beauregard, Fort Lee, Stone Mountain Georgia, and Mitch McConnell. Meanwhile those on the extremist fringe-right, aka the Republican Party, contend that the head injury was his own damn fault because he shouldn’t have been there in the first place. So let’s get this straight. This man below is probably an agitator so he deserved to get shoved so hard with a baton that he sustained a head injury so severe that he was hospitalized for days… While these guys are patriots? We guess that explains why the Republican Party is more angry about this… Than they are about this… In other news, the assault on justice by, ironically enough, the head of the Justice Department continues. Everyone in America save for OANN viewers and QAnon supporters, aka the Republican Party, can see it and is horrified by it. Just this week over 1,200 former DoJ officials called for an investigation of Attorney General William “How’d he ever pass the” Barr by a DoJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz. If history is any guide, the investigation would be carried out in three distinct phases: 1. Following clearly established protocols and guidelines that have been in effect since the Watergate era, the investigation would be announced. 2. Trump would fire Horowitz. 3. Senator Susan Collins (R-Me-Me-Me) would boldly announce that she is seriously considering being troubled by this development. Between the collapse of the Justice Department… and the United States Senate, the use of US military personnel to attack protesters, the shameful mishandling of a deadly pandemic costing hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars, the history books of the lead-up to this time are not going to be too kind. And that’s the way the weak spent the week in a nation where a substantial group of white people, aka the Republican Party, believes the United States has been destroyed. The reason they believe this? Because people who camp out in RVs to watch cars drive around in circles will no longer be allowed to display the battle flag of an army that tried to destroy the United States. Note: if any Trump supporting Confederates had someone read this to them, we will shortly be getting notes that say something like, “IT AIN’T THE BATTLE FLAG, LOOSER. AND THE SOUTH WAS ONLY FIGHTING TO PERSERVERER STATES RIGHTS, LIBT**RD.” If you enjoy reading TWITPOL please seek help. But please also follow us, “clap” for this story, recommend it, share it, tweet it, and do all sorts of other things the kids these days do. Follow us on Medium.com and on twitter: @sbouchard67 https://ift.tt/2NSvnOH Vlad’s Boy, Vlad’s Boy, Whatcha Gonna Do? was originally published in Extra Newsfeed on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Vlad’s Boy, Vlad’s Boy, Whatcha Gonna Do?

