George Floyd: protesters clash with Secret Service as unrest comes to the White House

Below is an extract of a post published on Guardian titled "George Floyd: protesters clash with Secret Service as unrest comes to the White House"

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Donald Trump
Make america great again.
- Donald Trump.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Theodore Roosevelt
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.
- Theodore Roosevelt.

George Washington
Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteem to all.
- George Washington.

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Via: Guardian

Police form barricade as hundreds line up outside White House Trump has inflamed tensions as protests rage across US The unrest has come to Donald Trump’s doorstep as protesters clash with the Secret Service and police outside the White House for the second successive day. Chanting “I can’t breathe”, “Black Lives Matter” and “Fuck Donald Trump!”, hundreds of demonstrators on Saturday circled the White House grounds, which have come to resemble a fortress more than at any time in recent memory. Armored Secret Service, along with District of Columbia police and park police, lined up in front of the protesters, forming a barricade as the US president returned to the White House from a trip to Florida. Lafayette Square, the park in front of the executive mansion, was sealed off with steel barriers. Protest at the White House started on Friday, when a crowd of hundreds had gathered in front of the president’s residence and Trump tweeted that protesters could have been attacked with “vicious dogs and ominous weapons” wielded by the US Secret Service. Related: George Floyd: protests and unrest coast to coast as US cities impose curfews Unbelievably intense situation here on Downtown DC. Tear gas canisters, fires, glass breaking, multiple firework explosions. I am about one block from the White House. On Connecticut Ave Fireworks keep exploding and I just saw someone rip down the White House ID check sign. Crowd setting an SUV on fire near the White House. Two blocks away. @CBSNews The National Guard has been released in Minneapolis to do the job that the Democrat Mayor couldn’t do. Should have been used 2 days ago & there would not have been damage & Police Headquarters would not have been taken over & ruined. Great job by the National Guard. No games! Continue reading…

George Floyd: protesters clash with Secret Service as unrest comes to the White House

