Advance Copy of President Trump’s State of The Union Address

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Donald Trump
Make america great again.
- Donald Trump.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Theodore Roosevelt
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.
- Theodore Roosevelt.

George Washington
Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteem to all.
- George Washington.

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Via: ExtraNews

President Personally Writes Speech; Will Call for Healing … After Democrats Apologize February 3, 2014 The White House (Remarks as Prepared) Mr. Vice President, Mr. Chief Justice, Mr. Minority Leader, distinguished guests, our terrific First Lady, Melania — is she doing a fantastic job or what? Fantastic. Very special lady. My distinguished cabinet members, who are also doing a terrific job, my generals — where are my generals? There they are. Mark Milley. Great guy. Very tough. Mark, do you want to come up and say a few words? Nah, we better not. Who else is here…oh yes, Steve Scalise and Devin Nunes… I wish Mitch could be here. He and I have become very good friends. He said to me that I am doing the best job of any president ever, or even longer, really. He said that. You can ask him. But there are some people who are not doing such a terrific job. Not too good. Believe me. These are sick individuals who know they can’t beat me, so they are doing terrible things to our country. It’s disgusting what they are trying to do. But we won’t let them. Who knows, maybe they will not be here very long. Maybe at the end of the year we can send them back to California and New York. Bye bye. Though they may not want to go to those places. The streets are filthy, there are homeless people everywhere, and their elected officials are not very smart. But enough about them. I would rather talk about how we have already made America great again. The state of the union is very terrific. There is no other way to say it, if you think about it. I have done more in my first three years as your president than all of the other presidents combined. It’s true, my people tell me that. We are setting records for the economy. Many people say they’ve never seen anything like it. We have been appointing great judges. Judges like Neil and Brett. And let’s not forget John Roberts. John Roberts. He is so good I wish I could take credit for him. Well, he’s been wrong on some things, but he did a very terrific job on what I call the unfair fake witch hunt impeachment hoax scam. Terrific job, John. Speaking of the witch hunt scam, I have also brought a special guest today, sitting in the gallery with Melania. Where is he? There he is. Jay Sekulow. Jay Sekulow. What a guy. He has probably done the second most for our country by getting rid of the hoax, allowing the American people to keep their favorite president. So, I am announcing tonight…he doesn’t even know I’m going to do this. Maybe I shouldn’t. But I’m going to. I am going to be inviting Jay to our very beautiful White House, and we’re going to have a ceremony. I’m going to give Jay the Congressional Freedom Medal or whatever it’s called. He deserves it. No one deserves it more than Jay. Well, I probably do, but I probably shouldn’t give it to myself because the lying media will say, “Trump gave it to himself.” But maybe I will. You’ll find out soon. That I can tell you. So, Jay won after a fair trial. We gave the other side more respect and a more fair process than they gave me. But just like with the fake Mueller investigation…remember that? Years and years, billions of dollars wasted that could have gone to our veterans, and they came up with nothing. COMPLETE and TOTAL exoneration. And the same thing with this Ukraine hoax. The senate just ruled that it was a perfect call. Many of the senators even said to me “Sir, why are we doing this? We read the transcript and it really was a perfect call. In all the years I’ve been a senator, this is the most perfect call probably ever.” They’d never seen anything like that. But now that’s dead and gone for good, we can get back to work for the American people. Well, I never stopped. But the do-nothing Democrats, maybe they can become the do-something Democrats by working with me. I can forgive them. I need them to do us a favor though, because our country has been through a lot. They can begin the healing — from the damage they’ve caused — by apologizing to me, and to the American people, but especially me for the horrible disgusting things they tried to do. Then I can get back to work and do even more beautiful things for our country. Like creating even more jobs. In just my first 3 years, I have created more jobs than any president ever. Hundreds of millions of jobs. I have brought back clean, beautiful coal, creating thousands of new jobs for our very terrific miners. And manufacturing — since I have been your president 12,000 new factories have been created. And speaking of factories — we are setting records on black unemployment. African Americans have more jobs now than ever in the history of our country. Right, Ben? Where’s Ben? He’s doing a terrific job. He is the secretary of… he is a terrific secretary. Hispanic unemployment is doing great, too. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz both tell me they are glad they didn’t become president because there is no way they could have done a better job than me with the Hispanics. Even lady unemployment is at an all-time low. The girls are back to work in record numbers. And not just as chamber maids or stewardesses, but also as cooks, seamstresses, and many, many more things, believe me. We have the best military. It was a mess when I got here, and I told my generals, “I am going to fix this right now.” Many of them said, “But sir, the congress hasn’t spent the money…” I stopped them right there and said, “I am going to fix this. You’ve never had a president like Trump, that I can tell you.” We have nuclear. I have always loved nuclear. I know more about nuclear than probably anybody else, even my generals will tell you that. And the world knows that we have the best military, the best nuclear, and really, the best president. World leaders tell me that all the time. And they tell me they can’t believe how unfairly I’m treated. We are respected in the world again. When I got elected the United States was a mess. It was very sad what was going on in our country. And the world was laughing at us. They were robbing us blind with horrible deals. Some of the worst deals in the history of the world. They were negotiated and agreed to by not very smart people. Not smart at all, believe me. But, all that has changed. We just signed the biggest trade deal in history with China. China. They said I wouldn’t be able to do it. The fake media back there… they said, “Trump won’t be able to do it.” And I did. We also signed the greatest trade deal in history with Mexico and Canada. USMCA. USMCA. A much better deal than that horrible NAFTA that Bill Clinton did. He couldn’t do deals. No one knows more about deals than Donald Trump, that I can tell you. So, I made new deals and the United States is winning again. And let’s talk about the environment. They say Republicans aren’t supposed to talk about the environment. But I can. I love the environment. I use it all the time and see it all over the world. Since I was elected as your president, we now have the cleanest water and the cleanest air in a long time. Believe me. A long time, probably forever, really. We have been setting records for the environment. And we are doing it in a way that doesn’t hurt our terrific farmers. The farmer’s love me. I was just in Iowa. They love me there. I gave a speech, a really great speech, and the people there went crazy. Many people are saying it was the largest speech ever in Iowa. I don’t know. It was huge, though. We had ten thousand people standing outside in the cold because they couldn’t get in. But after the speech, thousands of farmers came up to me and said, “You are the best president for farmers we have ever had.” I couldn’t believe it. Special people. I didn’t need to go to Iowa. Obama hasn’t been to Iowa in years. And crooked Hillary probably couldn’t even find it. But I didn’t need to go there. There isn’t even a primary. The Democrats are all fighting — sleepy Joe, crazy Bernie, little Mike — they are all fighting. The Republicans said, “we don’t need a primary. We have Trump.” It’s true. So, they aren’t even going to waste people’s time by making them vote for me. My approval rating in the Republican party is now at 98%. It is the highest number of any republican — any president, really — in history. The Republican party is more unified than it has ever been. That is why my new campaign slogan — I came up with it — they wanted to hire consultants, I said “Trump doesn’t need consultants.” I know more about slogans than anybody you’ll ever meet, that I can tell you. So, I came up with the slogan Keep America Great. In 2016, my slogan —from the time I came down that beautiful escalator, was “Make America Great.” And we did that. So, now it is “Keep America Great.” I don’t know what it will be for the election after that, but many people are saying we should change the rule about two terms. So, we have people looking into that. That would make a lot of people very happy. So, who knows. We will see. And now I am going to close by saying something we couldn’t say in this country for years. But I brought it back. And that is — God bless you. And God bless the United States, and well, the whole world really, when you think about it. Thank you. Thank you. (Do the fist pumping thing and walk around the stage pointing at people saying thank you. Don’t read this part out loud. And don’t look at Nancy.) Advance Copy of President Trump’s State of The Union Address was originally published in Extra Newsfeed on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Advance Copy of President Trump’s State of The Union Address

