Trump Code-Named “L’il Lucifer” In House Dems’ Impeachment Docs

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Donald Trump
Make america great again.
- Donald Trump.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Theodore Roosevelt
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.
- Theodore Roosevelt.

George Washington
Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteem to all.
- George Washington.

America 1st Girl is a Blog by Conservative Artist Cara Sky.

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Via: Medium

Truth In SatireSatanic profiling experts suggested epithet to House Judiciary Committee because “Trump’s inept brand of evil stands alone”Satanic profiling experts say that the Mephisto moron has all the characteristics to qualify as a “L’il Lucifer.” (Credit: Convinced that Donald Trump “is doing the devil’s work,” albeit clumsily, the House Judiciary Committee is referring to the president with the code-name “L’il Lucifer” in their impending impeachment documents. Asked about the leaked docs and the alarming code-name, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, chair of the committee, admitted, “Well, we had several satanic profiling experts study psychological data on Donald Trump and every one of them agreed that the president has the five high-risk personality traits that identify him as a proxy for the devil. That’s scary, evil stuff, so our code-name is totally appropriate.” An aide to Congressman Nadler provided a profiling document that described the five demonic traits: Red nubs on a numbskull are a scary sign. (Credit: Ring of the Fire Radio Network) Obsession with the Mark of the Beast: Power-plagued proxies for Lucifer fear being identified before they have wreaked devastating havoc in the world. That is why they will often cover their heads with synthetic hair, straw, or bird nesting material to prevent the telltale mark of the beast — the nubs of their evil red horns — from being detected. Donald Trump uses this exact concealment behavior with his ill-fitting, unrealistically-colored toupee.A closed-circuit TV capture taken in the White House at night after Trump has removed the make-up that reduces his hellfire coloring. (Credit: Chicago Now) 2. Hellfire Hue Syndrome: Every day jokes are made about Trump’s orange skin with comedians wondering why he uses make-up or applies sunless tanning creams to turn his face that strange, pumpkin color. But the truth is much more spine-chilling. Donald Trump is not adding anything to make his face appear orange — he is subtracting color. He is actually using creams, powders, and other forms of artificial cover-up to mute the shade of his skin, which is actually a bright, fiery red (see above photo). If he did not go to great lengths to soften his hellfire hue, the world would have discovered his true identity long ago. It is no accident that Donald Trump is ALWAYS wearing a suit. This is not his businessman’s savoir faire, it’s to disguise the long-tail of a Lucifer loyalist. (Credit: 3. Spade Tail Tailoring: The signature spade tail of every Lucifer loyalist must be concealed for them to do their diabolical work in the world unimpeded. Many choose to tie it down between their legs or wear a type of heavy, tail-corset to tame the whipping action of the satanic appendage. But it is conceivable that a present day Lucifer proxy, walking in the world using the disguise of a businessman, would use finely-tailored Italian suits to “trap” the spade tail inside the sturdy fabrics. Now you know why Donald Trump is always in a suit. This is how Donald Trump might look when he takes his suit off at night after a long day of being a Lucifer proxy. (Credit: Carbonated.TV) 4. Snake Oil Salesmanship: A snake is the reptilian symbol of the devil. While in human form, a L’il Lucifer might have difficulty hiding his admiration for snakes, so hewill adopt snake-like behavior in order to pay homage to the creatures. Many people have identified Donald Trump as having all the qualities of a snake-oil salesman — typically, demanding a high price from the ignorant and gullible and offering little in return. This is what we see happening now as the president promises a lot to Americans but has been delivering the nation nothing but trouble. Time Magazine tried to send a warning to the world with it’s fake Trump cover, telegraphing that the president is a Mephisto Messenger. (Credit: 5. Mephistopheles Messaging: Keeping the human species off balance so he can attack from any angle at any time is a favorite ploy of demon messengers like Donald Trump. A clear example of this with Dante Don is the use of erratic, crazy-making Twitter messaging very late at night or very early in the morning, when people are barely awake and, therefore, more susceptible to his wicked suggestions. At these hours, the Mephisto moron’s tweets can be used to press his evil attacks while, at the same time, mock the weakness of humans who must rest at night, while Lucifer proxies like him can go weeks without sleep. It is no accident that Donald Trump often brags that he never needs to sleep. You wouldn’t either if you were a Mephisto Messenger. Congressman Nadler added that he has no regrets that his committee’s code-name for Donald Trump has been leaked: “Look, the president’s real identity must be shared with the public so the American people can decide what actions to take to limit the destruction of this L’il Lucifer who occupies the seat of power in Washington. Make no mistake about it, a man this evil could do a lot more damage to the country and the planet without batting one satanic eyelash. That’s why we intend to impeach him now.” **** Thanks for reading. You can find more from me here and here. –AI Trump Code-Named “L’il Lucifer” In House Dems’ Impeachment Docs was originally published in Extra Newsfeed on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Trump Code-Named “L’il Lucifer” In House Dems’ Impeachment Docs

