None of the El Paso shooting victims would meet with Donald Trump

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Donald Trump
Make america great again.
- Donald Trump.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Theodore Roosevelt
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.
- Theodore Roosevelt.

George Washington
Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteem to all.
- George Washington.

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Via: Metro

People made their feelings clear during a recent visit to El Paso, Texas (Picture: Getty) Eight people who are still in hospital after being gunned down during one of the US’s latest mass shootings have all declined to meet with the country’s president. Donald Trump, who has recently been criticised for racist tweets, has been held responsible in some quarters for encouraging such acts with his rhetoric. Bobby struggles as he converts to Islam in EastEnders After 31 people were shot dead and dozens were wounded he flew with wife Melania to El Paso, Texas, and wanted to visit some of those still recovering. However, a spokesman for the University Medical Center said: ‘This is a very sensitive time in their lives. Some of them said they didn’t want to meet with the president. Some of them didn’t want any visitors.’ Trump did meet with first responders and hospital staff along with some of the people who had already been discharged. His visit was met with large protest and biting political attacks. Trump has been accused of racism because of rhetoric that he has used recently (Picture: AFP) Many of the victims refused to meet Trump during his visit to El Paso (Picture: Reuters) What does Trump say about those who disagree? ‘My critics are political people’. He also claims that what he says about immigration ‘brings people together’, despite being accused of racism. Mr Trump told them he was ‘with them’, said press secretary Stephanie Grisham. ‘Everybody received him very warmly. Everybody was very, very excited to see him.’ But outside Dayton’s Miami Valley Hospital, at least 200 protesters gathered, blaming his incendiary rhetoric for inflaming political and racial tensions in the country and demanding action on gun control. In El Paso, Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke spoke to several hundred people at a separate gathering. Mr O’Rourke has condemned Mr Trump as a racist instigator, but told his audience the open way the people of his home town treat each other could be ‘the example to the United States of America’. More: US news Cops can’t take DNA evidence from scene of crime because it happened at sex party Driver’s abdomen was sliced in half by seat belt after her car crashed Knifeman kills one woman and leaves another critically ill after ‘random stabbing’ People are angry after 31 others were murdered in two mass shootings (Picture: EPA) Donald and Melania Trump met medical staff and first responders (Picture: AFP) Emotions are still raw in both cities in the aftermath of the weekend shootings. Critics claim Mr Trump’s own words have contributed to a combustible climate that has spawned death and other violence. Shooting victims refuse to meet with Donald Trump during his visit Mr Trump’s motorcade passed El Paso protesters holding ‘Racist Go Home’ signs, and he spent part of his flight between Ohio and Texas airing his grievances on Twitter, berating Democratic legislators, Mr O’Rourke and the press. Mr Trump and the White House have forcefully disputed the idea that he bears some responsibility for the nation’s divisions, and he continued to do so on Wednesday. In Dayton, raw anger and pain were on display as protesters chanted ‘Ban those guns’ and ‘Do something!’ during Mr Trump’s visit. More: Showbiz Mike Posner unable to walk for 'several weeks’ after being bitten by snake Lawyer for 'rape liar’ quits after 'serious disagreement’ with his client Amazing Japanese home has 13 floors you can see all at once Donald Trump said anyone who criticises him are just political people (Picture: AFP) Got a story for If you have a story for our news team, email us at You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

None of the El Paso shooting victims would meet with Donald Trump

