Hate in Trump’s America: Fruit of the Doom

Below is an extract of a post published on Medium titled "Hate in Trump’s America: Fruit of the Doom"

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Donald Trump
Make america great again.
- Donald Trump.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Theodore Roosevelt
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.
- Theodore Roosevelt.

George Washington
Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteem to all.
- George Washington.

America 1st Girl is a Blog by Conservative Artist Cara Sky.

Essentially i Blog on all things Donald Trump and on occasion post my own Art.

I curate Donald Trump articles and notable Tweets on your behalf from all over the web into one easy site for you to browse without trolling through hundreds of different sites or posts.

America 1st Girl is not affiliated with the journalist or Twitter user who published the original article or Tweet, nor is she responsible for any affiliations the journalist or Tweeter user in question may hold.

Everything here on America 1st Girl is Donald Trump related from Media to Podcasts, Forums, Blogs and Fan groups.

Via: Medium

This Weak in Politics, Vol. 194Let’s get this waste banned. Yes, we opened with an underwear joke. August 8, 2019 Editor’s Note: We have decided that we will publish this week — albeit an abbreviated version — even though many of us are saddened and struggling to find humor. For us it is catharsis — trying to not forget what happened, fight to change it, but try to find joy between the tears. Besides, if we decided not to publish during any week in which there was a mass shooting during the nearly four years we’ve been publishing, we wouldn’t be on Vol. # 194. We would still be stuck at zero. In fact, in doing just a little digging right now, during the week we first published, a couple went on a shooting spree in San Bernardino killing 16 and injuring 19 others. If you are looking for a serious and somber take on the shootings, we did write one earlier this week that seems to have had a decent reception from readers: https://ift.tt/2YXlUXn The nation was shaken to its very core this week when we learned that our thoughts and prayers and doing absolutely nothing else didn’t work. Despite prayers after each of the over 200 mass shootings in the US this year (well, the more media-friendly ones anyway), two angry white men opened fire in two different communities, indiscriminately killing men, women, and children in the process. You’d think this would be the breaking point, America’s long-awaited come-to-Jesus moment. (Don’t worry, white male Republican friend(s), we don’t mean Jesús, we mean the brown-skinned socialist who wants us to love our neighbors — the one you pretend to like every Sunday. Unless football is on.) But it wasn’t. These things have become de rigueur (which, translated literally, means “of rigueur”) in our nation. Don’t believe us? Without looking it up, where was the most recent mass shooting in the United States prior to El Paso? So let’s recap what is sadly a relatively routine week in 2019: The market has had an up and down week marked by huge swings as President Trump continues to be a bull in a China shop, or….a bull in China, sending mixed signals and sowing confusion. (Remember when Republicans used to tell us markets hate uncertainty? Ah. Good times.) The globe is experiencing record high temperatures apparently because of some Chinese hoax, the forecast calls for increasing hate and stupidity. In sports, the effing Yankees keep winning and the Red Sox keep losing. In shootings, Dayton, Ohio is this week’s mass shooting of the week. While you might have guessed El Paso, El Paso was last week’s shooting of the week. And in a related story, here are this week’s WhitePowerBall numbers: Just as an aside, we bet Stephen Miller goes to the White Power ball each year. Maybe next year they’ll host it at Trump International? The reality is that gun violence, as well as racism, are subjects from which Americans can’t escape. Especially brown and black Americans. We have long believed that the Republican base does consist of a certain percentage of racists — and that with a nod and a wink, past Republican presidential candidates quietly sought their votes. Think Ronald Reagan and his “strapping young buck” stories, which were indeed dog whistles. He saved the monkey stuff for private calls with Nixon it seems. Well, we have evolved. (And no, that’s not a monkey joke.) We have evolved to the point where the President of The United States is openly racist and his party openly pretends to not see it. Now, the economy has been going strong, and Republicans hope to make this the centerpiece of the campaign. However, if that doesn’t work, the GOP has a klan B. The nation seems to have taken giant steps…backwards…when it comes to race. We now tolerate the intolerable. We’ve gone from a point just 17 years ago, when then Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-MS) came under significant fire for suggesting the United States wouldn’t be having problems had Strom “Strom” Thurmond been elected president in 1948 to a place where our current president could say “We are going to be able to own slaves again in this country, believe me. We’re gonna get it done. That I can tell you,” and Republicans and Fox News would laud the president for harnessing human resources and creating more opportunities for African Americans than any president going back to before Abe Lincoln. The President doesn’t avoid racial tension — he gins it up. He is a one-man hate-seeking missile. And that is normally a manageable situation — one man being racist, but it is a different thing altogether when that man is the president. When you combine a president stoking racial flames with a flood of weapons, and a group of feeble and frightened white men who, as the saying goes, couldn’t get laid in a women’s prison with an armful of pardons, dangerous things can and will happen. Here’s a song to make that point. https://ift.tt/2GVA3ho Now, it would be easy to get wrapped up into a which came first, the chicken or the egg? situation. Though in this case it would be which came first, the racist or the racists? As fellow bigots Chick-Fil-A put it, “we didn’t invent the chicken, just the chicken sandwich.” Well, Trump didn’t invent this shit, just the shit sandwich we are all currently eating. Speaking of Christian conservatives, chicken shit, and bigots, Mike Pence (sp?) resurfaced this week, after seeing an opportunity to get credit for publicly offering thoughts and prayers. Specifically, Pence suggested people should “spend more time on (their) knees than on the internet.” You try writing satire when this dingleberry says shit like that. But, being mature, and having been warned recently of the R-rated nature of some of TWITPOL’s reporting, we will resist the temptation to make jokes about Pence’s desire for people to spend more time on their knees. But come on. That sucks. Seriously. He had a captive audience, it would have been a great time for him to tell a Fellatio Alger story. Instead, he blows it. Anyone else find it ironic that Mike Pence (sp?)is telling everyone to get on their knees when just a couple of years ago his panties got in a bunch expressly because someone was doing just that? Now that we’ve broached the subject of thoughts and prayers — here’s a reposting of our original song (with apologies to Frank Sinatra), “Thoughts and Prayers.” We wrote it about 7 or 8 major mass shootings ago. https://ift.tt/2YXlW1r And that’s the way the weak spent the week in a nation where, in terms of solemn days of offering condolences to families of victims of gun violence, we voted for this, from a man who couldn’t even bother to get the name of the city in suffering correct: body[data-twttr-rendered=“true”] {background-color: transparent;}.twitter-tweet {margin: auto !important;} I am so amazed that MSNBC & CNN can keep putting on, over and over again, people that have no idea what I am all about, and yet they speak as experts on “Trump.” Same people since long before the 2016 Election, and how did that work out for the Haters and Losers.  — @realDonaldTrump function notifyResize(height) {height = height ? height : document.documentElement.offsetHeight; var resized = false; if (window.donkey && donkey.resize) {donkey.resize(height); resized = true;}if (parent && parent._resizeIframe) {var obj = {iframe: window.frameElement, height: height}; parent._resizeIframe(obj); resized = true;}if (window.location && window.location.hash === “#amp=1” && window.parent && window.parent.postMessage) {window.parent.postMessage({sentinel: “amp”, type: “embed-size”, height: height}, “*”);}if (window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers && window.webkit.messageHandlers.resize) {window.webkit.messageHandlers.resize.postMessage(height); resized = true;}return resized;}twttr.events.bind(‘rendered’, function (event) {notifyResize();}); twttr.events.bind('resize’, function (event) {notifyResize();});if (parent && parent._resizeIframe) {var maxWidth = parseInt(window.frameElement.getAttribute(“width”)); if ( 500 < maxWidth) {window.frameElement.setAttribute(“width”, “500”);}} After we had this: https://ift.tt/2GUXl7d Maybe we DO need thoughts and prayers. God, help us all. Hate in Trump’s America: Fruit of the Doom was originally published in Extra Newsfeed on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Hate in Trump’s America: Fruit of the Doom

