The Supreme Court — Coming to Their Census, & Other News of the Week

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Donald Trump
Make america great again.
- Donald Trump.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Theodore Roosevelt
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.
- Theodore Roosevelt.

George Washington
Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteem to all.
- George Washington.

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Via: ExtraNews

The Supreme Court — Coming to Their Census, & Other News of the WeekThis Weak in Politics, Vol. 188 June 27, 2019 Oscar And Angie. The president seemed to celebrate John McCain’s death, called a Supreme Court ruling ridiculous and immediately brought in lawyers to find ways to circumvent it, continues to claim his predecessor is the one who locked up children in cages, saw his former campaign chair head INTO court in shackles, and was credibly accused of sexual assault for the 16th time. In other words, week 127 of the Donald Trump presidency. The names dominating this week’s news are names like Bernie, Joe, Elizabeth, Julián, Kamala, Beto, Kirsten, Cory, and Tulsi. That’s important, but the names that should be dominating the news are Oscar and Angie. More on them in a bit, but first, to night one of the Democratic debate. On Wednesday night, the the first round of 412 Democrats took to the debate stage in Miami, Florida to try to climb their way into the top 100 candidates in 2020. In an age of information overload and political burnout, we suspect many of you did not watch the debate. Well have no fear. We watched it for you and have distilled it down to 30 seconds. If that didn’t help, we can give a broad review of the debate participants, AND still keep this section short. It’s been said that a picture speaks a thousand words. Well here are two thousand words to give you a sense of how the night turned out. Before. After. There is no question these debates will help winnow the field. And if ever there was a time for a good winnow, that time would be now. Up until this week there were 24 Democrats running for the Democratic nomination for president. You’ve probably seen the pictures. If you take a look at this collection of faces, do you see anything missing? The answer is this. This is what is apparently missing. This is also likely more coverage than Sestak will get between now and when he drops out of the race before Iowa. That’s former Pennsylvania Congressman Joe Sestak who apparently looked at the current field of Democratic candidates and decided, “hmmm…what this field really needs is an older, Ivy League educated, wealthy, white, centrist politician with low name ID, who lost an election or two within the past decade!” In fairness, Sestak is the only older, Ivy League educated, wealthy, white, centrist politician with low name ID, who lost an election or two within the past decade, who is from Pennsylvania! Or maybe Sestak thought the field needed an older white male centrist named Joe. The average age of a Democratic presidential candidate running in 2020 is 55.4 yrs. old, mostly white and mostly male. This shows what an incredible agent of change the Democratic Party is being this year — as the average president of the United States at time of taking office is 54.3 years old, they have been mostly white, and exclusively male. (An interesting side note about the numbers 55.4 and 54.3 is this: the average IQ of the Trump administration is 55.4. 54.3 if you include Trump.) Also, who the hell is this? We digress. In other news, the Supreme Court made news this week by doing something mostly good and something hideously awful. (No, not Bush v. Gore awful, but close.) The court blocked the US Census from asking a citizenship question the Trump administration wanted to add to the 2020 census. The court ruled that the reason for the question seemed “contrived.*” *Contrived: /kənˈtrīvd/ adjective, meaning racist as fuck. The clue to this was very difficult to find, in subtly written memos on the hard drive of a now deceased Republican strategist who was widely viewed as the GOP’s authority on redistricting. He wrote, in an oh-so-subtle way, that counting only citizens and thus using those counts for reapportionment “would be advantageous to Republicans and non-Hispanic whites.” That’s the kinda shit that gets Lindsey Graham hard and Steve King off. The ruling was a setback for the late Wilbur Ross, Commerce Secretary of the United States. Yes, it is odd that the census is under the auspices of the Commerce department. We mean, doesn’t Commerce deal with, you know…commerce? If it is a money matter, maybe it should have gone to the Treasury. They are the American people’s fiduciary. Which is fitting, because Secretary Minuchin is a giant fiduc. But, we digress again. In another ruling, and we confess we were weren’t entirely paying close attention, the court refused to take a stance on jerrymeandering. Sure, his answers are long, and he seems annoyed. But meandering? Seems contrived. We kid, of course. What the court actually said was “yeah, we don’t really care if congressional districts are undeniably rigged for partisan reasons…we have other things to do — like hang out with Squi and PJ.” And speaking of partisanship and not caring, the nation’s immigration battle rages on, and is falling along typical partisan lines. Democrats want to create safe environments and restore a safe process for those seeking asylum in the United States, while Republicans want to lock them in cages and not give them toothbrushes. The Republican vitriol — supporting family separation, denying provisions, etc. — is being fueled by the slanderer-in-chief, Donald J. Trump. Trump supporters’ basic message to Mexicans is taken straight from the playground: “Nah, nah, nah nah nah…we were here second! (Or third),” and “Finders losers, takers keepers.” And speaking of the border, there is a new acting head of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, to replace the former acting head of U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This new one is apparently a real talented guy. He says he can identify soon-to-be gang members by looking into their eyes. Do they look like this, asshole? Because those are the eyes of the people at the border, desperate to make their way to the United States. Part of the huddled masses yearning to breathe free we once claimed to want to welcome. Their names are Oscar Alberto Martínez and Angie Valeria. They are father and daughter, and they have been seen in a different photo hundreds of thousands of times since they drowned on Monday trying to find work and maybe one day buy a home. Their wife/mother saw it happen. Oscar was 25 years old. Angie was 23 months. There was a time when Americans loved and honored immigrants, and celebrated stories of them braving great danger, and yes, violating laws, all to get to the promised land that is America. Now we put barriers in the way. Deny them access to even a hearing. Forcing them to swim treacherous waters…with their 23 month old. And that’s the way the weak spent the week in a nation where even satire writers are sometimes so stung by the news that a laugh seems distant at best. Come back next week when we will cover round 2 of the Democratic debates, plus we cover how Donald Trump has even found a way to destroy the 4th of July. Oscar was 25 years old. Angie was 23 months. If you enjoy reading TWITPOL please seek help. But please also follow us, “clap” for this story, recommend it, share it, tweet it, and do all sorts of other things that the kids these days do. Follow us on and on twitter at @sbouchard67 The Supreme Court — Coming to Their Census, & Other News of the Week was originally published in Extra Newsfeed on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

The Supreme Court — Coming to Their Census, & Other News of the Week

