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Make america great again.- Donald Trump.

What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.- Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.- Theodore Roosevelt.

Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteem to all.- George Washington.
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Via: ExtraNews
The two-year Russiagate loon-a-thon mercifully came to an end on Sunday, with Santa Mueller returning to the North Pole, leaving just a written report. The special counsel concluded there was no underlying collusion and essentially punted the obstruction question back to Attorney General William Barr (who will henceforth be referred to as “Billy Barr” so he seems like he could be a rogue sheriff in Red Dead Redemption instead of a half-sedated tax accountant for the Church of Scientology). Billy Barr, together with Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, already decided the report didn’t provide enough evidence to support a criminal charge in any of the “number of actions” committed by Trump that raised the specter of obstruction. It’s likely Mueller planted some legal claymores for district courts to detect, but that didn’t stop the beleaguered Commander-in-Tweet from declaring vindication — even after years of repeated attempts to discredit the justice system as corrupt and untrustworthy only to now urge his base to trust the findings of this “witch hunt.” Irony aside, Russiagate always functioned as a breeding ground for magical fantasies that inflated this investigation to almost comical proportions. But this became a rallying cry for the #Resistance types, despite the half-baked connections to collusion, zero legal precedent for indicting a sitting president, and a Republican establishment full of toadies who ultimately control Trump’s fate for the time being. It was all a saccharine comeuppance for major media networks to obfuscate their responsibility for feeding $2 billion worth of free coverage to their own Frankenstein’s monster. This scandal provided cover for those in the press who felt that they were hunting Trump down with aggressive investigative reporting, to keep the village safe from his flagrant nonsense. When the American Dream soiled itself, the storyline immediately pivoted to Trump being an illegitimate president, a compromised foreign operative who lied so much, he had to have cheated his way into office. There was no way that the magnificent and impeccable Hillary Clinton could lose fair and square to a deranged and truthless used car salesman with comic white circles under his eyes, who held the dubious honor of being the least popular major-party nominee in U.S. electoral history. For a while, it provided the “golden age” of investigative reporting and late-night satire. Kieth Olbermann draped himself with the American flag and tried completing a segment without suffering a minor heart attack. Rachel Maddow began each monologue with a 20-minute emotional meltdown. Stephen Colbert’s one-liner versions of MSNBC talking points propelled him to four-star general of the Snarksistance. Even CNN almost reached journalistic mediocrity. But ultimately, the #Resistance was a mirage. It gave the appearance of substantive journalism as the fourth estate descended into TMZ White House. Russiagate served as an intramural ethical war that deflected from a more existential problem. For decades, the media’s perverted profit motives have incentivized them to portray current affairs as a prolonged hypochondriac malaise, systemically making everyone dumber in the process. The DonYe Delusion Is a Product of a Self-Obsessed and Trolling Culture The #Resistance was always a manipulative brand of news reporting that preyed upon the devastation of liberal audiences by portraying Mueller as a kind of deus ex machina capable of resuing the republic from the clutches of America’s incipient fascism. All this hyping of Mueller the Omniscient dovetailed with the preposterous mythologizing of the special counsel, as Mueller Knows all of Trump’s Dirty Secrets became the default narrative for Beltway politicos who fancied themselves as rain-soaked, trenchcoated muckrakers snooping around the nooks and crannies of Tammany Hall for any entrails of Russian shenanigans. Cable news for the blue-state crowd turned into one giant RESIST TRUMP ad campaign, with political discussion devolving into panels of Very Serious People sitting around comparing notes to see who is most hype for “Impeachment Day.” We’re three years into Godzilla remaking the old Tokyo-on-the-Potomac into his gold-plated toilet image, and it’s obvious that the Trumpenreich is a disaster on almost every level except one: He’s been a boon to the media business. MSNBC saw a 62 percent bump in viewership in the first full year of Russiagate coverage. Trump gets awesome ratings for the same reason why The Bachelor milked an entire season out of a horde of 23-year-old Instagram influencers fighting to deflower a virgin before he hopped a fence: Nothing sells like a freak show. The #Resistance is a diabolical combination of every schlock eyeball-grabbing formula the networks ever deployed. It’s Keeping Up with the Kardashians meets Survivor meets Game of Thrones meets Gossip Girl. It’s got the immediacy of BREAKING NEWS banners cascading in intensity, with themes of impending doom, conflict, celebrity meltdown, vitriol, gender resentment, race war, indignance, piousness, redemption, everything. Trump could run around the Rose Garden naked and light a DREAMer on fire, and even Amy Schumer could make the stand-up routine work. Before 2015, the problems in American democracy were mounting, but faceless. With his mystery Ferret-Top combover and voluptuous rolls of restained blubber, Trump became the perfect avatar for what the 21st-century breakdown has turned this very fine nation into: an insane monster. So much of the #Resistance is a denial mechanism for those who now spend their Sunday brunches anxiety-riddled because of the looming image of this hideous clown in the White House. It makes Trump the root of all evil, and is powered to not have to look at the ugliness, to restore a sense of normalcy. Stage-managed niceties dangled the carrot for a while, but Trump finally removed the smily-face mask to reveal the absurdities of late-stage capitalism, a ravening maw eating away at our chests until they’re nothing but lightless holes. This is no malfunction. Trump is a logical progression in American idiocracy. He illustrates our susceptibility to demagoguery and to plutocrats thirsty to enrich themselves through deregulation and tax breaks. He shows how a thermostatic electorate can catapult a party with a deeply popular agenda into office. He won with the assistance of a congressional majority bolstered by gerrymandering and the underrepresentation of left-leaning urban districts and with the anti-majoritarian Electoral College. Even if Mueller’s apparent dud hands Trump a juicy campaign issue heading into 2020, it doesn’t change the fact that he is a weak incumbent. Trump’s approval rating has been both remarkably low and stable throughout his time in office, aside from the occasional stock market dip and high-profile legislative failure occasionally pushing it a hair under 40 percent. If a sedentary lifestyle of wolfing down cheeseburgers while counter-tweeting with hyper-smudged mobile devices couldn’t kill Dear Leader, then the Mueller magic bullet was never going to convince the fence sitters that a man who echoes white nationalist propaganda, insults dead war heroes, or holds the government hostage for an unpopular border wall is an unfit crankypants who fell ass-backward into the Oval Office. Trump’s greatest vulnerability was never his supposed fealty to the Kremlin’s geopolitical interests, but rather, his metamorphosis into the Swamp King of the festering shithole he was elected to drain. House Democrats would be wise to push for the full release of the Mueller report to see if they can find or amplify any tax dodging, fraudulent university scams, or emoluments violations. The GOP is a Nihilistic Death Cult and Centrism Won’t Stop Them For the mainstream media to recapture any credibility after this debacle, it has to admit that it humped a hyperbolic narrative that artificially raised the expectations of voters seething to defenestrate Trump from the White House. They could NPR the hell out of future news cycles by asking the president in-the-weeds policy questions with detailed followups to corner him into showing how unprepared and unqualified he is on a daily basis. It’s hard to see them doing that because the #Resistance proved to be enormously profitable. An alarmist bombshell trumps nuanced. Big headlines, cartoonish morality, scary criminals in Trump’s circle and Russian menaces abroad, it all sold. America is full of outrage addicts with decimated attention spans who can’t read beyond the first page of a book. The #Resistance turned much of the Democratic base into a mental wasteland of obviousness and neurosis, with pundits and late-night comedians consorting with the devil on the Low Road, hating on Trump and his band of MAGA chuds for a ratings sugar high. If these people were serious leaders, they would’ve spent the past three years conjuring a positive vision for the entire country — one based on progressive ideals like love and community, instead of obsessing constantly about a man who will eventually be relegated to the bowels of history. The Mueller Investigation Result Shows Why the #Resistance was Always a Marketing Scam was originally published in Extra Newsfeed on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.