Proven Playbook For Any Democrat Who Wants To Beat Trump In 2020

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Donald Trump
Make america great again.
- Donald Trump.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Theodore Roosevelt
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.
- Theodore Roosevelt.

George Washington
Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteem to all.
- George Washington.

America 1st Girl is a Blog by Conservative Artist Cara Sky.

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Via: Medium

Truth In SatireProven Playbook For Any Democrat Who Wants To Beat Trump In 202010 powerful tips for candidates looking to score a decisive victory against Trumplethinskin in the next electionYup, even The Rock and Mark Cuban could use a few tips. (Credit: Get a Trump wig and wear it during the debates. If you think his stalking of Hillary was unnerving to her, wait till you put on his hay wig and face off with him in the debates. This will rattle him even more if Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren is donning the Don toupee. For Cory Booker, it might be an improvement. 2. Mention the Steele dossier every chance you get. This drives Donald Trump nuts and will increase the chances he’ll make a critical error during the 2020 political season. The Steele dossier implicates Trump in Russian collusion at every turn. More importantly, it hints at the truth of the “golden shower” incident involving Russian hookers and King Leer. If you have the stomach for it, enter every speaking event dashing through a mist of “yellow rain.” Prima Donald hates his SNL counterpart. (Credit: Campaign alongside Alec Baldwin in his SNL Trump getup. To underscore the absurdity of Donald Trump, it’s critical that you constantly remind voters what a buffoon they elected last time around. Bringing the pucker-faced version, aka Alec Baldwin, to all your campaign events will not only highlight the obvious differences between you and Benedict Arnold, it will get a lot of laughs. And laughs win elections. 4. Choose Rosie O’Donnell, Kathy Griffin, Sarah Silverman, Wanda Sykes, Michelle Wolf or any other female comedian as your running mate. Trump is a misogynist with no sense of humor. So what better way to drive him over the edge than to pick a comedienne as your running mate? These women are not only smart and up on topical news, they’re great on the road and can parry any POTUS attack with a bruising one-liner. Any comedienne is a good choice for your VP running mate. (Credit: Barring a foul-mouthed comedienne, choose Congressman Adam Schiff as your running mate. Adam Schiff is all over Donald Trump like a cheap self-tanning lotion. Now that he and the Democrats have retaken the House, the Stanford and Harvard educated legal eagle is keeping the Corrupter-in-Thief’s lawyers on the defensive and busy 24-hours a day. As the vice-presidential candidate, he’d not only have Trump constantly guessing and worried, he’d run rings around his VP counterpart, Race Bannon aka Mike Pence. 6. Use a portion of your campaign donations to buy all Washington, D.C. area grocery stores out of Vienna Ladyfingers. The word on the political street is that Donald Trump cannot go to sleep at night without a glass of milk and a half a box of Vienna Ladyfinger cookies. With a small slice of your campaign contributions you could buy out all the stock of Trumpty Dumpty’s favorite cookie from Washington’s grocery and convenience stores and prevent him from sleeping for days on end. Just ask Arianna Huffington how damaging that would be to his mental health. Only president in history to be taunted and haunted by a dead man. (Credit: Promote your bipartisan side, while giving Trump frequent agita, by trumpeting the patriotism of the late, great Sen. John McCain. No one makes the Petulant Pumpkin blow a gasket like John McCain. Months after his death, Donald Trump still feels the need to attack the war hero and statesman. Again, you’re looking to keep Trump off-balance by using all the tactics that have proven infallible, and mentioning Senator McCain in Trump’s orbit unfailingly sets his insanity in motion. Dems, listen to me. Any of these 10 tactics will work. Use them. They’re free. (Credit: Mispronounce the president’s name as “Donald Chump” from now until election day. He says that he didn’t really refer to Tim Cook as Tim Apple, that we misheard him. Well, your mission is to call him Donald Chump for the next 18 months, then when he goes berserk, just insist he misheard you. 9. Hire campaign staffers with big hands. He’s sensitive about his tiny hands. So sensitive, every time Trump sees you surrounded by your large-fingered campaign aides, he’s going to feel small and inadequate. And an inadequate candidate is a vulnerable one. Look for campaign advisors with big mitts as soon as possible and start whittling away at Babyfinger’s self-confidence. Bottoms up. (Credit: Drink surreptitiously from your “It’s Mueller Time” mug every time you appear on television. First, Trump’s scared to death of Bob Mueller and his soon-to-be-released findings. Second, he watches more television in a day than your average American watches in a week, so he’ll definitely see you on air. The trick is to put the two elements together to make Trump drop from a ruptured aorta. The way to do that is to buy a variety of “It’s Mueller Time” mugs and always bring one on set. Sip surreptitiously from your cup, never drawing attention to it, just letting the message sink into Hair Furor’s diseased brain. **** For more of Allan’s anti-Trump satire go here or here to see two popular past posts. Or check out his original Trump-themed book of mockery at More Trump humor at Proven Playbook For Any Democrat Who Wants To Beat Trump In 2020 was originally published in Extra Newsfeed on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Proven Playbook For Any Democrat Who Wants To Beat Trump In 2020

