10 Reasons To Love The Donald Trump Blimp And Why It Should Become The Lasting Symbol Of His…

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Donald Trump
Make america great again.
- Donald Trump.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Theodore Roosevelt
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.
- Theodore Roosevelt.

George Washington
Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteem to all.
- George Washington.

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Via: ExtraNews

Truth In Satire10 Reasons To Love The Donald Trump Blimp And Why It Should Become The Lasting Symbol Of His Failed PresidencyOver-inflated, laughable, and diaper-wearing, the Trump balloon captures all of what we dislike about the petulant presidentPlease float away, Sir Whine-A-Lot. (Credit: www.nbcnewyork.com) It flew over Parliament Square in London during Donald Trump’s visit last July and it was an instant sensation. London loved it and the world laughed in mocking appreciation.(Credit: www.express.co.uk) Ridiculous-looking, filled with hot air, and clad in a diaper, the Trump balloon gave us all a good laugh while capturing everything we reject and dislike about Pudgy McTrumpcake. But the blimp must be considered more than an distended joke, it should be forever revered as the perfect symbol for Donald Trump’s failed presidency. Here are 10 reasons to love the floating POTUS in perpetuity and hail its creators as heroes for all time: IT’S OVER-INFLATED, JUST LIKE DONALD TRUMP: Just like his balloon, Trump is a windbag. A blustering, boastful blowhard. The whole world would love to stick a pin in him and permanently deflate The Donald.A diaper full of presidential poop makes him irritable. (Credit: www.commondreams.org) 2. IT’S DRESSED IN A DIAPER, THE UNIFORM OF CHOICE FOR SIR SISSYPANTS: From day one, Trump has been the big baby occupying the White House. He cries, he whines, he needs adults to mediate his worst impulses. He’s the boo-hoo blubbering buffoon stinking up the world with his dirty diaper. He’s a combover con artist, among other things. (Credit: abcnews.go.com) 3. IT’S HAVING A TANTRUM: Something that Trumplethinskin does every single day. A 7-year-old has more self-discipline and a more even-tempered worldview than Donald Trump. 4. IT’S GOT HORRIBLE HAIR: No feature epitomizes the fraudulent absurdity of Donald Trump than that wig, or toupee, or bad haircut, or bird’s nest, or whatever the heck that hay straw thing is on his head. And the 20-foot, pumped-up parody gives it just the right idiotic emphasis. Don’t Twitter our lives away, you numbskull! (Credit: imgs.6sqft.com) 5. IT’S GOT A CELL PHONE IN ITS HAND: When the baby baboon tweets, the world shudders. It’s the first thing that should have been taken away from the phony POTUS the day he stumbled into the White House. Every day his colleagues, along with his country, pray that he won’t destroy the world with his reckless Twitter outbursts. 6. IT’S ORANGE: The blimp’s tangerine hue is as synthetic as the Barbecued Brutus’s phony tan. Everything about Donald Trump is fake, contrived, a sham. He is the Fraud of Fifth Avenue, and nothing more. 7. IT’S GOT TINY HANDS: To emphasize all the other things about Little Lady Fingers that are underdeveloped. Like his intellect, his human empathy, his moral code. Small-minded and weak, those miniature hands tell you everything you ever needed to know. Little man, little mind. (Credit: www.dailyrecord.co.uk) 8. IT’S SYMBOLIC OF THE BABIES HE’S LOCKING AWAY: Thousands of innocent children being caged by this administration at the southern border. Among the most dishonorable disgraces of his presidency. No real man would imprison young children, vulnerable kids who are now dying on his watch. 9. IT LOOKS AS RIDICULOUS AS THE MAN IT MOCKS: Fat, fuming, foolish-looking and frivolous, the Trump baby balloon taunts and teases Trumpty Dumpty in all the ways guaranteed to infuriate him. 10. IT GOES HIGH WHEN HE GOES LOW: Floating above the chaos and cruelty that his presidency has engendered, this flying caricature reminds us in the end that we must go high when he goes low. Or at least laugh mercilessly at him till the very end. All Hail the Donald Trump blimp!! **** Thanks for your claps. Always appreciated. I read all your comments and answer as many as possible. Go here or here to read two popular past posts. For my original Trump-themed book of satire, visit allanishac.com. More Trump humor at allanishac.com. 10 Reasons To Love The Donald Trump Blimp And Why It Should Become The Lasting Symbol Of His… was originally published in Extra Newsfeed on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

10 Reasons To Love The Donald Trump Blimp And Why It Should Become The Lasting Symbol Of His…

