Thing’s I’ve Heard Hacking Into Trump’s Unsecured Cell Phone

Below is an extract of a post published on ExtraNews titled "Thing’s I’ve Heard Hacking Into Trump’s Unsecured Cell Phone"

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Donald Trump
Make america great again.
- Donald Trump.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Theodore Roosevelt
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.
- Theodore Roosevelt.

George Washington
Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteem to all.
- George Washington.

America 1st Girl is a Blog by Conservative Artist Cara Sky.

Essentially i Blog on all things Donald Trump and on occasion post my own Art.

I curate Donald Trump articles and notable Tweets on your behalf from all over the web into one easy site for you to browse without trolling through hundreds of different sites or posts.

America 1st Girl is not affiliated with the journalist or Twitter user who published the original article or Tweet, nor is she responsible for any affiliations the journalist or Tweeter user in question may hold.

Everything here on America 1st Girl is Donald Trump related from Media to Podcasts, Forums, Blogs and Fan groups.

Via: ExtraNews

A SPECIAL REPORT!The only iPhone that ever messaged out “please let me die”(Sydney Herald / AP) “Hi! I’m an idiot!” — Donald Trump ALL U.S. SECURITY: Mr. Trump, can you PLEASE NOT talk about all sorts of things on your unsecured cell phone because it makes us very nervous because it kind of ruins the whole idea of “National Security”. Trump: I REFUSE to listen to you because I AM A MANIAC! ALL U.S. SECURITY: Oy VEY!!* (*Oy vey!”, for clarity, is a term similar to “Oy Gevalt!”) So, Trump, an inspiration to deranged bomb-makers everywhere, REFUSES to use a secured cell phone and INSISTS on discussing everything that rests upon the rat droppings and sawdust Trump calls his “mind”. As you can envision, this is a threat to our national security, mostly due to this being a DIRE threat to our national security. They go hand in hand. — BUT… HILLARY’S EMAILS! (Tee hee.) See, back when we had sanity and cognizance — if China and Russia bugged the Oval Office with listening devices, we’d all be very upset. Here’s how we would have looked :( You see how upset we’d look? All frowny-faced because it places us in grave danger. This was before blind and psychotic allegiance to an idiot became “a thing”. NOW — we have a befuddled lunatic babbling incoherently into his own unsecured phone to very powerful people (old, white, billionaires, who collectively invented the phrase “bwa ha ha”) as China and Russia listens in on Trump discussing everything under the sun and over it, veering from one subject to another like a drunk driver. STUFF WE USED TO KEEP SECRET. Here’s a picture of China Oh, JOY! (Getty) SEE how HAPPY they are?!? & Here’s a picture of Russia. SPASIBO!!! (Spencer Grant) & Here’s North Korea. We’re LISTENING!!! (otcat) Here’s the overall problem — and it effects you, and me. The “ADULTS IN THE ROOM” no longer have ANY control over Trump. He has completely spun out of control. He’s the 1979 version of Peter Criss of KISS. He can’t be talked to, nor reasoned with. AND, now that the midterms are over, say goodbye to Mattis, and Kelly of “The Mattis & Kelly Adult Daycare Center”. They are also members of the “Adults In The Room Club”. H.R. McMaster was an adult. He’s gone. Even Rex “Rexxon” Tillerson (despite being as suitable candidate for Secretary of State as I am), was an adult. Both these men have called Donald Trump, the man who appointed them, the man who they worked with side by side, day by day, such things as “a moron”, “an idiot”, and said Trump has “the mind of a small child”. ISN’T THAT FUN?!? Blah bla bla CLASSIFIED, blah bla bla, CLASSIFIED, blah bla bla CLASSIFIED. (Shealah Craighead) Moments after the midterms we said goodbye to Jeff Sessions, so that we could say goodbye to Rod Rosenstein, and say goodbye to the Mueller investigation. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump attempts to pardon Cesar Sayoc (professional van decorator, and amateur bomb maker). Jeff Sessions* author of the book “Backing the Wrong Horse & KKK Fashions for Children”, will now go on to his new job right here in NY of sitting on the ledge of an old, foreboding, Manhattan building, as part of a state-run project to scare Gargoyles. *(Sessions likes to now be known by his nickname “Whitey McKlan-Face”). So, rest assured we have a maniac running through the White House like “THE SHINING”, completely out of his mind. (Credit: Getty Images and Wikipedia)Photo: MR. WARMTH SHARES STATE SECRETS — JUST LIKE AN IDIOT WOULD. Bob Woodward, a seasoned reporter who wasn’t spooked by — a maniacal Nixon in the midst a nervous breakdown, drinking out of a bottle, and staggering around the White House looking to violently cane a panicked Kissinger who was hiding from him — connotes Donald Trump with the word “FEAR”! They’re interchangeable in Bob Woodward’s mind. Here’s a candid picture of Bob Woodward as he was writing and researching his bestselling AND FACTUAL book “FEAR — What I Feel When I Think Of Donald Trump” Bob Woodward. See how frightened he looks? A lot of us look like that too. Written by Steven W. Rouach FUN FACT: Every time you give a round of applause at bottom of the page of one of my stories, I literally leap up and take a bow. True story. If You Follow Me, I Will Lead You Into Nonsense. Here’s my Facebook group (Join Us!!) If you’d like to support my writing, please do so here: ©2018 SWRouach Thing’s I’ve Heard Hacking Into Trump’s Unsecured Cell Phone was originally published in Extra Newsfeed on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Thing’s I’ve Heard Hacking Into Trump’s Unsecured Cell Phone

